Home : Kura Tawhiti Pou Whenua

Kura Tawhiti Pou Whenua

The pou whenua were installed as part of an upgrade to protect the cultural values of Kura Tawhiti and celebrate the important site. A collaboration between Ngāi Tūāhuriri whānui and The Department of Conservation. The three pou whenua are part of an upgrade to the site designed by Riki Manuel and Fanye Robinson, along with new information panels to better narrate the Ngāi Tūāhuriri/Ngāi Tahu history in the area. Ngāi Tūāhuriri is the local hapū, holding rangatiratanga over Kura Tawhiti/Castle Hill.

Kura Tawhiti Pou Whenua Team

Client : Department of Conservation

Client : Ngāi Tūāhuriri Whānui

Artists/Carvers : Fayne Robinson & Riki Manuel

Fabrication : Art Fetiche

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