Our presence in urban development is expanding. Developers are wanting to create spaces that enrich the user experience. We’re excited about the possibility of incorporating more of these projects into our portfolio and the stories we create through our art and installations.
The Punangairi Visitor Experience Centre, a key component of the Dolomite Point re-development in Punakaiki, is now officially open to the public
One of the final construction milestones at the new Stead St pump station is complete, with the installation and blessing of the mahi toi (cultural artwork) adorning the building’s façade.
The artwork/design is thanks to Hori Te-Ariki-Mataki and Ariki Creative who worked with Ngāi Tūāhuriri to incorporate local flora and fauna and Ōpāwaho (the Heathcote River).
Mahi toi elements were produced under the guidance of Waihōpai Rūnaka (Murihiku Marae) alongside their selected designers and artists.
Tunnel Beach Dunedin Tohu Whenua in collaboration with Aroha Novak - Embedding stories and values into regional developments.
Working with an artist's designs Art Fetiche helped vapour blast some great effects into the paved areas
This project was an exciting opportunity for us at Art Fetiche, putting a team together and tackling a vapour blasting project of this scale.
Art Fetiche installed several outstanding artworks, designed in conjunction with Fayne Robinson from Ngai Tahu and the City Council.
There's a knack for creating artworks that captivate, to capture meaning in a way that empowers and educates
Victoria Square is an excellent example of art installations impact on urban spaces
Every idea starts somewhere, and is often enhanced by sharing with others. Call us up and lets have a convo!